Cafe Life in the Antipodes by Ruth Skilbeck (also titled Sayonara Baby). A novel. Published in August 2018
Cafe Life in the Antipodes by Ruth Skilbeck (also titled Sayonara Baby). A novel. Published in August 2018
Cafe Life in the Antipodes by Ruth Skilbeck (which is published as Sayonara Baby in the Australian Fugue series) is a novel about Roxanne (Roxy) Bergson’s life and experiences with one of Adelaide’s notorious Art Scandals, a neo-Dadaist activist group of artists, when she moved to a city in the grip of serial killers.
She documents her relationship with Raymond and friends in stories, diary entries and letters, set in several places as they travel to various cities and the rainforest and her family’s shack in the foothills of the Snowy Mountains.
It is perhaps the first novel on the ways of life of young artists and writers in Australia in the 1980s context of the ‘hitchhiker murders,’ the ‘Family murders’ and the widespread concealed abuse of young me by church institutions.
Cover photograph and design ‘Eternity’ by Ruth Skilbeck. This novel is published with the title Sayonara Baby in the Australian Fugue Series by Ruth Skilbeck.
First published in 2018.
ISBN: 9780648299868 - paperback.
Also published in hardcover by Borderstream Books. For information please email:
This novel has also been published with the title Sayonara Baby in the Australian Fugue Series by Ruth Skilbeck.